Feeling appreciated as an employee is vital to job satisfaction and to retaining a solid team as a company. As a completely remote company, Lender Toolkit has had to come up with creative ways to show our team how much we care.
Challenge Coins
One of the ways that we give back to our team yearround is through our custom company challenge coins. Inspired by military challenge coins, each of these has its own requirement to be earned and specific award. Team members and managers alike can nominate one another for coins. Below are a few of the coins we’ve created and sent out to team members who have earned them.

Our team has taken flights and limos, gone to nice dinners, and had us invest in their continued education through these challenge coins. We even recently added Mindfulness Master and Wellness Wizard coins for those who actively participate in our wellness programs and demonstrate emotional intelligence (with an investment in their continued wellness via massage, nutrition counseling, and more). This is just one of the many ways we try to give back to our team of Wizards. What does your company do to show your appreciation for your employees?